Project Night Night
About one of 50 children in the United States is homeless. I found that to be a staggering number in our rich land. Help if you can this Christmas time of giving and charity.

Books for Africa
It may seem like a frivolous thing to do. But what if you could not hold a book or read ever because you simply cannot get your hands on pulp? Never underestimate the power of education and helping. Fifty cents sends a book to a child in Africa.

Edvard Munch
Ronald McDonald House
If we help families stay together during crisis, it allows a child to heal faster. The Ronald McDonald Home allows people to stay close to their children who are under different treatments in hospitals. It is a simple way to help. Check it out!.

New Eyes
Yes, we get tired of our eyeglasses and discard them for newer, prettier models. But what if you could not even get the original pair because you could not afford it? Give your old glasses and you help someone in need.
My wish for you this Christmas is that God may open your eyes, your heart and your mind.
Merry Christmas!