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For this morning I am overwhelmed with the kindness of people around me. Some who have never met me, do not really know me and some who know me well.
For friendship and for unfailing support, I want to thank writer and dear friend Elizabeth Marshall, When Fate Dictates.
For friendship and help and support even when I am not online, I want to thank historical authorZoe Saadia The Cahokian.
For always remembering me, leaving me notes and special videos and music, I want to thank Corinne Rodriguez of Everyday Gyaan.
For laughs, messages and amazing art, for kind reminders I want to thank my online friend and wonderful writer, Totsymae.
For Ravenmyth who never fails to pass on my writing to others, you have helped me tremendously with your kindness, taking the time to do it.
These friends have made my 2011 a wonderful and blessed year. Thank you for remembering me, helping me and passing me notes in the class of life once in a while. I love you.