When you stand in the gap of intercession, you stand for someone in the gaping hole between them and the Lord. Is that what you do really? Do you stand in the gap for that person or do you stand in judgement against them and God?
Many people complain that God does not answer their prayer yet do not take the time to find out where their heart is at with those prayers. When god gives you discernment His intention was not for you to be the critic of the day. The intention for that knowledge is to pray, that is all.
More often than not you will judge what you hear as should and should not happen. We are not to stand in judgement either of God or the person who needs the prayer. All you need to do is bring the problem to God without interjecting your own morality or idea into it. This is too harsh, or that should never have happened or why did this occur. Leave it be and let God do His thing.
Interference is detrimental to the request. It falls on deaf ears. If instead of pleading a case with a worldly judge, you accuse him of unfairness, it is unlikely he will hear what you have to say.
Intercede, do not interfere. Stand in the gap, do not stand in the way.