As I complained that my knowledge of antiques was nil, my bet friend’s mother suggested that ignorance was a choice. All one had to do was pick up a book, start some research and learn how to see and judge what one sees. Sound advice for a twelve year old who took her seriously.
As years went by, I did what she suggested and progressed. I picked up books, visited antique stores and learned. Developing a liking, I saw, bought and collected what I loved. I fell in love with fine china.
Because of my daughter, some of my stuff was saved from the trash or from second hand stores. When I started to travel for work, I got rid of most of what I collected and she saved some of it.
I share with you here some of the pieces I fell in love with over the years and collected. It is not a huge collection neither am I showing you all of it, but it is decent enough.

Limoges Candy or Jewelry Dish

Limoges Creamer and Sugar Bowl

Limoges Hot Chocolate Pot

Limoges Teapot