Deer Baba Rumcake
I want to rite my ideals but I have a hard time expressing them. I have very good ideals in my head. The problem is I hate riting and I like conversating. I need advise to rite. I like to take pitchers too but my camera is broken. What do I do?
Dear WanaRite,
If you want to “write” get literate. Come on dude, I realize our educational system is on the fritz. But come on! How long can you blame the organization for your lack of initiative.
If you want “advice” which is what I thought you wrote, here it is: learn the English language! Go back to square one and learn how to express yourself. Take grammar classes and learn. Do what I tell my grandson to do, write your words three to ten times till you learn them.
As for those “ideas” in your head, express them to someone who can write and see what they can do with them. You might have good ones in that head of yours.
Your camera is broken and you cannot take “pictures”. I realize that English is not “write as you speak” kind of language but please man, go learn basics.
Now for the “conversation” part of this note, if you want to “converse” you can talk all you want with someone. KISS! Keep it simple stupid.