Welcome to the Blog-A-Licious Tour, sponsored by PeaceFromPieces.com.
Thirty of the 850 Blog-A-Licious blogs are writing about the same topic and many are offering contests and giveaways so check them out. If you just stopped by Kriti’s How About This: http://kriti-howaboutthis.blogspot.com/, welcome! And when you hop over to the next stop at Paula’s Hardline Self Help http://hardlineselfhelp.com/ say hi! The whole lineup is below!
When the subject was brought up, a world without books, all I could think about was speech. Relating stories, telling the tale from generation to generation. Heroic acts and romance told in song around a fire. I imagined a world where more contact prevailed, word of mouth from one person to the next.
It worked for centuries for Aborigininal Tribes, the American Indians and the Polynesians. Stories of old. The Africans are well known for their tribal stories told with music. Egyptians sang their tales with “rababa” and “nay”.

Men walked the streets with their instruments telling and re-telling the tales of generations gone by. People gathered to hear singing along at times. Most listened wide eyed with amazement.
A world without books may not be all so bad. It may get families talking to each other. It could get people to learn their Bible and study it. If I could walk around with the word in my heart not depending on paper, I could live with that.
The narrators were a cautious generation and added the new happenings but kept the old intact. Do we presume that writing kept the facts? I doubt that! They saying is “History is written by the victorious”. Facts are subjective at best. The responsibility for accuracy comes into play with spoken or written word.
Someone in the tribe had to learn the stories and carry them to the next generation. Did we do them a disservice by introducing books? I am not sure. Am I dependent on the paper Bible so I do not learn the word, yes. Is that a disservice to me? I do not know the answer.
Just a thought!
For everyone that comments on this and leaves an email address, my publisher has arranged a special gift; a *free* eBook copy of my novel Simple Conversation.
Here are all the Blog-A-Licious Tour Stops!
- Dora – http://peacefrompieces.blogspot.com/
- Kriti – http://kriti-howaboutthis.blogspot.com/
- Sonia Rumzi – http://soniarumzi.com/
- Paula – http://hardlineselfhelp.com/
- Kate & Ashley – http://backofthebookreviews.com/
- Roy – http://royd-spiltmilk.blogspot.com/
- Shaeeza – http://shaeeza.blogspot.com/
- Anna – http://annalwalls.blogspot.com/
- Lisa – http://misclisa.blogspot.com/
- Jessica – http://findingonesway.com/
- Corinne – http://www.everydaygyaan.com/
- Nicole – http://riverarunsthroughit.blogspot.com/
- Tosh – http://totsymae.com/
- Desiree – http://www.desireeholttellsall.com/
- Shelley – http://bookfare.blogspot.com
- Tessa – http://tessadick.blogspot.com
- DK Levick – http://dklevick.wordpress.com/
- La Vonya – http://www.Battered-not-broken.blogspot.com
- Janet – http://jlbcreatives.blogspot.com/
- Jim – http://holesinmysoles.blogspot.com/
- Linda – http://bookorbust.blogspot.com/
- Sibylla – http://divaluscious.com/category/mad-moms-manifesto/
- Amber – http://wosushi.wordpress.com/
- Lori – http://www.girlparker.typepad.com
- Neil – http://www.neilostroff.blogspot.com
- Tina – http://tinahoggatt.wordpress.com/
- Babz – http://lovebabz.blogspot.com/
- John – http://jmountswritteninblood.com/
- Violet – http://rhiannonpaille.blogspot.com
- Dora – http://blogaliciousblogs.blogspot.com