When searching for descriptions I found it a horror and a crutch exhausting my thesaurus without benefit of improving the language nor adding meaning to my story. If the story matters, which it does, then babble becomes offensive and exhaustive.
Try out these combinations and see if they do not help some of the thesaurus mania afflicting many. Happy writing from A-Z!
abrupt, rough, and immoderate
barbarous, shapeless, and irregular
common, dull, and threadbare
danger, difficulty, and hardship
eagerness, heartiness, and vehemence
faded, dusty, and unread
gaunt, desolate, and despoiled
habits, tastes, and opinions
irritable, sulky, and furious
jealousy, exclusiveness, and taciturnity
liberating, vitalizing, and cheering
moans, shrieks, and curses
narrow, precise, and formal
obscure, difficult, and subtle
pain, toil, and privation
quarrels, misunderstandings, and enmities
raise, refine, and elevate
sacredness, dignity, and loveliness
talent, scholarship, and refinement
ugly, scowling, and offensive
vague, impalpable, and incongruous
waddling, perspiring, and breathless
zealous, exacting and unkind