A spiritual minded person never comes to another with demands of what he should and should not do. He does however come with mercy and compassion to the situation that another is living without guile or preconceived ideas.
Remember that before you make judgments on someone and what they are doing or not doing, remind yourself that you have not walked in their life and do not know what they are going through or even what has brought them to that point.
The standards that one person wants to bring another to attain should never be on the basis of their own prejudice but on the true knowledge of what is going on in the other person’s life.
A spiritual person does not demand to be always right, does not demand that others change their point of view to theirs. A spiritual person takes the high road and carries the burden with the person they are involved with at the moment.
Gentleness and kindness are the staple of a spiritual person. With gentle guidance and a slight push you can bring the person to see what they need to do to satisfy their soul and their life.
This does not include manipulation of the situation or control of the other person. This only requires gentle nudges in the sense of time and patience. Remember how you are dealt with and treat another with even better treatment than your own. Remind yourself that others like and would appreciate to be treated just as you would want to be treated yourself.