Cairo in Chaos as Protests Rock Egypt
Remember Remember the Lies of the eleventh of September!
This here, is not, the mantra, that, the devoid of all ethics and honor, Bush, kept repeating. This is suggested here, as a reminder, to beware of making any decisions based on lies and faulty intel, news reporting.
Before you use this, as an excuse, to “bring democracy” to Egypt, remember, the horrific outcome in Iraq. I thought a reminder is appropriate since it has been in the media quite a bit. Please remember, before you accuse the government of tyranny, what they are dealing with and what they are trying to avoid. Remember, the disgusting, turn of events, where, not only, did we lose our sons, to a liar war, but, we also created a society, ruled by an archaic faith, hell bent, on keeping women and others, who are different, from even surviving.
Remember Remember the lies of the Eleventh of September!
This is not a new battle! Christians, have been persecuted in Egypt for centuries.
I am not a political activist, never was, I doubt that I ever will be. But, I keep seeing posts and commentary about the uprising in Egypt, the riots, the fires. Who is uprising exactly? Why are we never told who is fighting the government?
Beware “Wag the Dog”! The filtering of incomplete information, the visuals, that Westeners find horrific. I witnessed rioting as a child, and when I was a teenager. Egypt has always rioted, students rioted, lawyers and judges rioted. We have more freedoms, than most of the Middle Eastern countries.
Beware of liars and masqueraders of peace.
For more information: Virtual Activism