Water is life giving! And today is World Water Day. Water is nourishing, sustaining our survival and keeping us from thirst. A person can last a long time without food but water is essential and necessary all the time.
When the Samaritan Woman argued with Jesus that He had nothing to draw water with, He responded to her by offering Himself. Living Water was what He offered that poor woman. He offered her the satisfaction of her soul. Knowing her life story, knowing her pitfalls and her sordid existence, He offered her life giving flowing abundance from Himself.
Samaritans were shunned by the Jews, yet Jesus took pity on her and talking with her which was also a cardinal sin since she was only a woman. When He recited her situation back to her, she realized before most others had, that He was the Messiah.
Isn’t it amazing how the lowliest of us will come to terms with our needs. When requirements are all met, all the time, we lose the sensitivity of obligation. We lose ourselves. When crushed and lowly, we have to lift our heads up to the One who will protect and help us.
May the lesson of the Samaritan Woman and her insight, stay with us all, on this World Water Day where flowing water of love, compassion and salvation abound.