Since I do not want to mention a name, suffice it to say that RR a billionaire was just sentenced to an eleven year jail term for insider trading. Everyone does it, but he got caught. It saved him a whopping $70,000,000. Now remember, he is a billionaire. I do not wish to bash RR, I am just using his situation as an example.
My question to you is, when is enough? What is enough? How much money do we need to generate, to be satisfied? Is 10 billion enough? Looked upon as one of the richest in the world, enough? If we have adequate food, shelter and clothing is that enough? Are a pair of nameless jeans not good enough?
The dictionary states that it is: “as much or as many as required”. So the truth is, we are the ones to decide how much is enough and when is enough.
So in the end it is a matter of choice. Time and again, our choices make a difference to our environment, our friends and our fellow man. It does not mean to relinquish ambition and success. It means to know when enough is enough.
Today, here is my prayer for you:
May you be satisfied with your day
May your accomplishments give you hope
May your needs be met
May your health get better
May you live a fulfilling life
May what you have serve to satisfy all your needs.