“No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader. No surprise in the writer, no surprise in the reader.” Robert Frost
I have written before about the need for passion and a desire to be heard. Writing is an act of discovery of words and desires of expression. Nothing happens if you do not cry when you want your reader to cry. If you are moved by your own writing, in all probability your reader will be moved. If nothing of the passion you describe affects you yourself, chances are the same will happen to your audience.
In my second reading, I find this to hold true. If a situation in the book does not lead me to the results that I was searching for, I delete it with zeal. If I find it unmoving, why should anyone else?
Write therefore your inner most feelings without worrying about who will get insulted and who will find you offensive. You cannot please everyone but you can move them one way or another. Even the ire of someone is justifiable.
Happy Writing!