When I allow despair
to take hold of my spirit,
I create havoc in my life.
Contrary it is to belief.
Darkness does flow slowly in.
Like the twilight before the night
Slowly, seeps all my faith,
Drains out of me.
There is no rhyme or reason
to these feelings that abound.
There is no earth shattering
occurrence to justify.
And yet it chokes without reserve
the life built up for years
on solid ground.
And when I find it swallows me,
I take a step back
And look with different eyes,
Clearer eyes, full of hope.
As soon as the scales fall
I see where I kept in the dark
And allow the light to overcome.
And overcome it shall.
For where there is light
Darkness disappears.
Despair turns to joy
Untold and manifest.