Dear Baba Rumcake,
I’ve been more interested in Native American culture and my Native American roots. I am wondering if this signifies that my spirit guides of my Native American ancestors, coming through? Any thoughts?
Chnl Srfr from Austin
Dear Chnl Srfr,
You’re kidding right! How old are you? Spirit guides coming through to where? Your brain?? Non existent.
Get serious! Really just get serious.
How about you are Native American and as you get older, you are thinking more and more of your heritage and your ancestry. Plain and simple. You are, like everyone else, at a point in your life where you want to know where you came from. Who your great grandparents are, etc.
So, no, it’s not your spirit guides. It is just your pea brain hard at work wanting to know if your ancestors were just as loony.
Blessings on your over active imagination,
Baba Rumcake