When coming to a crossroad, by its very nature, it has two ways. One cannot walk both but have to choose. If the choice does not fulfill our immediate needs, there is sensations of let down and feeling of discouragement.
What if you choose to think of “the wrong turn” as experience for growth instead of failure? What would happen if you choose to believe that every road you take is the right road and will lead somewhere you will gain. May not be riches or fame, but instead, insight and spiritual growth.
Here is my prayer for you today:
May the roads you take, follow through with joy.
May what you thought a dirt road increase your heart with the wonder of life.
May the times you think you took the wrong turn, turn out to be the best.
May your mishaps become your delight
May your misstep allow you to fall into good and comforting arms.
May you always feel.