I never interfere in politics but this is ridiculous. Here in America! This is not Egypt or Libya! This is the United States of FREE America.
Jeff Cox, Deputy Attorney General of Indiana tweeted advocating that the police should use deadly force against the protesters of Wisconsin.
Now, it is really hard to believe that this moron could actually say and encourage such a thing. He must have visited the Middle East lately.
It seem that having this job for so long has made you the narrow minded imbicile that you have demonstrated. How you got that job is beyond imagination at this day and age of our country. You must think you are still in the sixties where civil liberties are for you to play roulette with.
Wake up Neanderthal, rise and shine! This is still America! Even if your right, wingnut dogma cannot be curbed you should at least be ashamed to expose and show it to the whole nation.
Demonstrations in this country are not illegal. Speaking out against oppression is not illegal. Shooting your fellow citizens for speaking out though, is illegal. You are an Enemy of the People of the United States of America and you should be tried for inciting a murderous plot.