Dear Baba Rumcake,
When does it stop hurting?
Recently separated from my husband and I know he’s not good for me. (Basically our whole marriage was a fraud for my money) I know that in my head, but my heart still hurts so much.
How do you get over a man that you promised in front of your family and God that you would love forever?
Hardly Over It in O’Brien
Dear Hardly,
What in the world about this guy keeps you in his clutches? Handsome? Maybe. So what! Kind? Obviously not!
This prize that you are bemoaning has obviously moved on with his life while you hold a candle to the memory of his fraudulent self.
Don’t give me that “promised to love and to hold” before your family. That sounds like an excuse to me. Forever is for little girls. You are not Cinderella nor Snow White. You are a jilted wife who was misused by an ass who wanted your money. I am sure your family would approve this leaving.
Move on with your life and stop asking silly questions you know the answer to, namely stop being lazy and get on with finding a decent guy for yourself.
Blessings on your search for a prince,
Baba Rumcake