Dear Baba Rumcake,
When do you think the right time is to reveal your “baggage” when you’re in a new relationship?
And is it ever ok to never bring some things up.
Do I really have to bring up that period of time, where I was wild? And if so, how long can I wait?
Hidden Baggage
Dear Hidden Baggage,
Now we are walking on think ice. Remember that nothing stays hidden. If what you have done is not criminal, then just let it go.
If you ended up in jail or did time for horrible crimes then you should share your prison stories with your significant other. Better he find out now from you, than later when one parolee comes to seek you out and he opens the door for them.
“Hello, I just got released from prison today and Hidden Baggage offered me a place to crash when I got paroled.”
Not a good scene huh? So be reasonable or is that impossible for you.
On the other hand, if you slept with half the Navy, you should tell him just in case you have some disease or another that you could bless him with in your times together.
If you had nude pictures taken when on one of those wild times, they could turn up on Youtube or FB or some other lovely social network.
So, try and remember what you are hiding and what you should reveal.
Blessings on keeping all your stories straight,
Baba Rumcake