My new novel, Simple Conversation is now available for pre-ordering on Amazon. The publication date is set for Feb 14, 2011
Happy Valentine’s Day
- Paperback
- Publisher: Heart Press (February 14, 2011)
- ISBN-10: 0983197806
- ISBN-13: 978-0983197805
by Sonia Rumzi
My new novel, Simple Conversation is now available for pre-ordering on Amazon. The publication date is set for Feb 14, 2011
Happy Valentine’s Day
by Sonia Rumzi
Childish vs. childlike
“I’m going to write because I cannot help it.” Charlotte Bronte
On the face of it this is a rather benign statement. When I suggested that I liked that quote, someone told me not to encourage childish statements.
Childlike is what I thought of those words not childish. A quality almost lost to most of the modern world with its technological advances and pressures of life.
Bronte’s desire to write was not out of an addiction as the critic of her quote told me. I would rather think that it was out of an overflow of emotion and heart. The time that Bronte was alive was not a time of serious expression for women, so writing would have been her release of experience so limited that her imagination had to be abundant.
Sorry, I find it a charming quote. And yes very childlike in all aspects of a pure heart and a thirst for life.
by Sonia Rumzi
Saying that your face is sensitive is a true fallacy that seems to be prevalent amongst women of ages twenty through fifty.
Our face is probably one of the toughest parts of our body since it is most exposed to the elements. Our face is in the sun, the wind and the heat, the cold and the salt in general. We cover our torso and legs and leave our face exposed.
Now, take battery acid and pour it all over your face and it will react poorly.
Most high end products use preservative synthetic chemical products. The promise to smooth wrinkles and strip the face of impurities is done with harsh chemicals.
So, everyone is led to believe that their face is “sensitive”.
Treat your face right and you will get healthy skin. Do not pour chemicals and plastics on your face and then suggest that you have sensitive skin.
Treat your face with respect. Your face takes a beating as it is, it is facing everything before the rest of your body gets to experience it.
When you eat poorly, your face suffers and you end up with zits, blackheads and white heads. Avoid fried foods, of course, nothing new there.
Eat more olive oil. Eat fresh foods. Eat raw foods. Do not cut out the cooked healthy foods either. Eat.
Stay away from white flour, white breads and pasta. Stay away from white potatoes, eat sweet potatoes.
Take the time to figure out what you do to cause break outs on your face and protect it from harsh chemicals and unnatural products.
Read the labels and if you do not recognize something, do not use it until you are satisfied that you know what it is. Protect your face.??
by Sonia Rumzi
I write.
When asked when I started to write, I did not hesitate to answer. I always wrote. I always had a notebook with me. I jot down ideas. I wrote quotes. I wrote conversations. I wrote lists.
I do not remember the last chunk of time that I was not writing. When asked how I get my ideas, I said from real life. I look around and take from life. My imagination is unlimited but life is wilder than imagination in some instances.
I write because I have a voice. I write to express the shouting in my head. I write to convey without talking out loud. Out loud I have to use my emotions and facial expressions to be understood. While writing, I have to subtler and smarter.