OMG what an amazing story of a woman made to marry another besides the one she loves. Her husband is good to her within reason but has his own shameful secrets. Her brother, a terror always in her life. Family secrets and lies. And art in every corner, description of frescoes and churches beautifully done. Beautifully written with lots of surprises. Loved it. Will certainly read it again.
But she seemed Anxious…
Wednesday Words to Use and Peruse
A new list of phrases and sentence starters that will help make your writing more interesting and readable. Nothing makes for annoying writing and reading but dull beginnings and more of the same throughout a story or novel.
Every week on Wednesday will be a list of phrases, sentence beginnings or something useful to use for writing. Words and grammar are Writing Tools and the crux of our trade.
Often, as the car rumbled on….
Neither village nor hamlet was seen…..
But she seemed anxious only to……
—–with somewhat more ceremony than sincerity…….
The twilight would not permit them to distinguish anything…..
Having emerged from the…….
After a short conversation……
It had now ceased…..
It was a still and beautiful….night….day….evening….
Sufficiently restored by the short nap….
Please enjoy and use those when you need to in any writings. Expand, change and twist them around to your heart’s content and make them your own. If you have any you wish to share with us, please do so. It would be a pleasure.
From Paris With Love is Great!
From Paris With Love is John Travolta on Steroids.
He was his rocking amazing handsome wonderful self with all the arrogance that role required of him. An undercover agent who does things his own way leads to hilarity and conclusion with solution to the problems he faced.
This assistant to the Ambassador in France is undercover moonlighting and is called upon to assist Travolta in terrorists activity control.
This is a rollicking, fast moving movie that starts a little slow but as it picks up, it moves fast and furiously with the speed of runaway train. Drugs, humor, some crudeness on Travolta’s character makes this movie fun and exciting. They follow the trail of the terrorists and discovered the plot to destroy and eliminate.
Car chases, things blowing up, intrigue and humor, everything is covered in this wonderful fast movie.
Irresponsible Dad Problem Not Lazy Son
I have been married for many years, and my husband and I live together. His unemployed and (otherwise homeless) adult son lives with us as well. We have 3 young children from our marriage together. His son does not respect ANY of the rules of the house, doesn’t do any chores, doesn’t contribute anything positive at all. He lies. Disrupts the household. Yells at me and the kids.
How do I tell my husband me and the kids or his son?
Living In Turmoil
Dear Living In Turmoil,
Are you frikking kidding me! Why would you even want to stay with that moron who did such a lousy job with his first son? He will do the same for the other three and they will all end up at your doorstep, all homeless and needy.
If you do not see that this situation is on the whole bad for all of you, I am not sure that you hold a job that needs any intelligence. What in the world are you waiting for? An act of Congress to get your butt out of there and protect your children from this lazy, no good, user? Well, you will wait a long time since they don’t have their act together either.
Get off your scared lazy behind and take those children out of there before more harm is caused by the irresponsible behavior of the father. NOT the son, the DAD is the problem. His loose ideals will ruin all of them.
Blessings on your Oh so lame excuses,
-Baba Rumcake
If You Want Uplifting Stories Go Elsewhere
“Dear,” said my lovely husband, “could you maybe write something inspiring next time. Something with a good ending, instead of these horrific endings?”
I looked at him as if he just disembarked a space ship new to our world.
“Like what?” I asked. “Which story would you suggest? We have been together for seven years. Mention a few people you would like me to use as heroes and end a story happy ever after.”
When we go down the list which will not be mentioned here, then add on top of it all older acquaintances, he decides that this was a moot point and we should not discuss it anymore. From close friends stabbing you in the back, to ungrateful others who stop talking to you, to the mistreatment of servants growing up, I am hard pressed to write positive until all the negative has been abolished.
Sad but true! My novels will remain with reasonable endings, hopefully even uplifting but do not look for it in my Novelettes. They are my accumulated venom at the horror people could be to each other. If you want fluff, do not read me. Mine are chock full of all the nastiness humans are made of without God.